In 2018, Shahrukh Khan's film 'Zero', directed by Anand L Rai, was a hit at the box office. In the year 2023, Shahrukh has turned around from that abyss. He returned in a royal manner. He started the year with blockbuster films like 'Pathan'. This film of Shahrukh has made about 1100 crore rupees at the box office. This time it's the turn of 'Jawan'. Shah Rukh is going to step into the world of Pan Indian films through this film by southern director Atlee. After long speculation, 'Jawan' is finally going to release on September 7. South star actress Nayantara is opposite Shah Rukh in the film. Badsha went to Chennai and shot with him several times. This time Nayantara's look in the film was leaked before the release of the trailer of 'Jawaan'
Leaked, NAYANTHARA's first look from #Jawan #Nayanthara #JawanTrailer
— Rxteamnews (@rxteamnetwork) July 6, 2023